A Craftsman Bungalow

A Craftsman Bungalow

Monday, June 15, 2009

High School Reunions

Our friends Peter and Rebecca are taking a cross country drive to Fort Wayne, Indiana to attend Rebecca’s 40th high school reunion. She learned about it by going on the website http://www.classmates.com. As a user of Facebook, I’ve noticed a steady increase in the number of other Facebook users from my high school who graduated in my same year, so I decided to give Classmates.com a whirl. To my surprise, I saw that nearly the entire graduating class of around 650 people have registered on the website. Apparently word went out some time this past spring announcing the 40th reunion. As of this morning, only 18 people had replied. I was more than a little surprised at this low number, given the size of the class.

Now, I viewed my high school experience as something different from the average. I lived in a group foster home during those four years, and my close friends were the 15 other girls I lived with. I had few “friends” from school. In fact, when I reviewed the entire class list from Classmates.com I saw only a handful of names I even recognized, and could not even claim them as having been my friends.

Perhaps the size of the class and the nature of our experimental class schedule has had something to do with the fact that not too many people care about a 40th reunion. A class size of 650 does not exactly imply a tight knight group, and it was hard to get to know people. Sure, the athletes and cheerleaders were probably close, but the rest of us just plodded our way through, trying to make it to graduation day.

I wish that I could say I’m sad that only a handful of people want to hook up again, but in reality, I just don’t care. Everything good that has happened in my life came long after high school. I’ve had a great husband for the past 32 years, great kids, great dogs, great house, good job and a 401K that hasn’t gone dry yet.

Life is good.

Friday, June 12, 2009

World’s Worst Blogger

Wow, I can’t believe it’s been a year since I last posted on my own blog!! I can supply the following excuses:

Started a new job one year ago and have been “kind of busy” learning my new tasks

Lazy.....That’s it, only two excuses.

But, there are two exciting things…….1) today is my 10-year anniversary since graduating from the UW. I was an older student, so it was a momentous accomplishment for me. The last ten years have slipped by quickly. For anyone contemplating starting or returning to college in mid-life, I can say it was well worth the effort.

2) My husband and I built a greenhouse and planted a garden this spring! It’s been over 20 years since I last had a garden, and I’m very excited about it. I joined an on-line gardening community called Kitchen Gardeners International,


and have posted the progress of the garden from beginning to present.


KGI members were instrumental in getting the First Family to plant a vegetable garden at the Whitehouse.

Garden "Helpers" Huck & Becky